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How to install wood flooring in a room with slanted walls?

To complete this job, you need a bevel tool, a pen, a hammer, a folding rule and a jigsaw.

Slanted walls can be a challenge when you’re installing your wood flooring. These simple tips will make the task easier.

  1. It is easy to work with a slanted wall if you have a bevel tool. You use it to measure the angle of the wall in relation to how the boards should be placed. Once you have done this, tighten the screw to set the angle.
  2. Pro-tip: use the first board you saw as a model for the other planks.
  3. When measuring the length of the boards, remember that it looks better if the boards along the slanted wall are not all the same length. Otherwise, they can look like steps on the floor. Instead, make sure to leave at least 30 cm for a more attractive pattern.
  4. When you have measured where to saw the boards, use your bevel tool to draw a line with a pen. Then saw along this line. When you lay the boards, remember to put spacers against the walls. Place them exactly where two boards click together. This keeps them firmly in place while you work.

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